What is JetBlue Cancellation Policy?

JetBlue considers most discounted economy fares as non-refundable if cancelled, but future travel credits may be issued. Cancellation eligibility and fees vary based on the type of fare purchased. JetBlue recommends cancelling at least 24 hours before scheduled departure to avoid additional charges.

How to cancel a JetBlue Flight Booking:
1. Log into your JetBlue account or app and find the booking.
2. Select "Cancel Flight" or "Cancel Reservation" and confirm cancellation.
3. For a full refund (minus fees), cancel at least 24 hours after booking.
4. Within 7 days of travel, you'll get a 1-year travel credit instead of a refund.
5. You can also call JetBlue at 800-538-2583 or +1-844-902-4930 (OTA Skip-Waiting) to cancel over the phone.

To get detailed information on JetBlue Cancellation Policy, change/refund options, and fees, customers can visit the Airlines Pet Policy or Contract JetBlue customer serivce. Advance cancellations are advised to minimize penalties based on rules.