How can I add my pet to my Delta flight reservation?

Adding a pet to your Delta flight is easy. After booking your ticket, inform Delta through their website or customer service. Delta's Pet in Cabin service lets small dogs, cats, and birds travel with you. Follow Delta's guidelines for pet size and carriers, and ensure a health certificate from a vet within 10 days of travel. By doing so, you'll smoothly Add Pet To Delta Flight, guaranteeing a hassle-free and enjoyable journey for both you and your furry companion.

Follow these steps for add a pet your Delta Flight:

  • Contact Delta directly to add your pet to the reservation.
  • Check and meet Delta's pet travel requirements.
  • Book a reservation for your pet early, as spots are limited.
  • Use an airline-approved pet carrier.
  • Gather necessary documentation, including health certificates.
  • Arrive early at the airport and notify staff that you're traveling with a pet.
  • Follow Delta's check-in and security procedures.

If you need more information call customer support at 1 (800) 221-1212 or 1 (844) 902-4930 (OTA-Skip Waiting). Or visit the Airlinespetpolicy site.