EL AL allows their passengers to make a group booking when they have 10 or more persons in their group to travel on a single flight. To make a group booking with EL AL, go to the EL AL Group Booking department. Provide details about your group's travel need
To make a group booking with EL AL :
Contact the EL AL Group Booking department.
Provide details about your group's travel needs.
Receive assistance in selecting flights and managing reservations.
Enjoy potential group discounts if applicable.
For more information, Go To EL AL Official Website or Airlines Group Travel or call 1 (800) 223-6700 or +1-888-609-1015 (OTA - Skip Waiting).
To make a group booking with EL AL :
Contact the EL AL Group Booking department.
Provide details about your group's travel needs.
Receive assistance in selecting flights and managing reservations.
Enjoy potential group discounts if applicable.
For more information, Go To EL AL Official Website or Airlines Group Travel or call 1 (800) 223-6700 or +1-888-609-1015 (OTA - Skip Waiting).